mercoledì 25 luglio 2012

Chale pà tà kalà.
Gli antici greci chiamavano Bellezza gemella di Armonia,
chiamavo "Ordine" l'Universo e consideravano l'esteriore come il volto di logiche interne misurabili.
Confrontarci con il loro razionalismo ci fa apparire come dei ciechi in un kindergarden! Eppure una cosa l'abbiamo decisamente in comune: per entrambi La Democrazia fondata sulla Schiavitu' come migliore opzione possibile.

venerdì 6 luglio 2012

the beginning

non portare nulla con te
tutto ti sara' dato

notes on transformation

Living is nor an object or a machinery, it is for me more  something as a process. In a chemical process elements involved undergo a transformation, so do men continually transform themselves inside and outside through experience. A relation  in itself is most of all a relation between two processes which, interacting, ignite a more complex transformational action, introducing new agents provocateurs. Along a given time, these elements need to reach a point x=0 before the actual new stability can  lead to  a result, a new pattern given by two forms .
At the same time, both inner processes and dynamic relationships have moments of "fall", thanks to which residues can decay,  getting rid of elements that are not longer useful or willing to be transformed. The magician, the one who knows himself enough, is aware that destruction serves creation through the selection of what is useful to the inner desire of matter and soul: continually meeting one each other into a form.

(well nothing new, I know, just notes as reminder)